If you want to keep your Ethereum coins safe, you need to use a good crypto wallet. There are many different types of wallets, but in our opinion, this is the best type of wallet. Your private key is very important and should be stored in a safe place. It's a necklace of two halves, you'll want it. The open key is like the front part of a necklace and is accessible to everyone. The closed key is located on the back of the necklace and is used only by you. If you lose your private key, you will not be able to access your ether coins. It is very important to keep it safe and never give it to anyone. Also, you can't create a trust, and you'll lose your public key. If you lose your public key, you can still access your ether coins using your private key. However, you will not be able to spend them, because you will not have the associated private key.